Mobile Developer Job in Backup Infotech

Mobile Developer

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Job Summary Mobile application and software application designing, building, or maintaining. Using scripting or authoring languages, management tools, content creation tools, applications and digital media. Conferring with teams to resolve conflicts, prioritize needs, develop content criteria, or choose solutions. Directing or performing mobile application updates. Developing or validating test routines and schedules to ensure that test cases mimic external interfaces and address all browser and device types. Maintaining an understanding of the latest web applications and programming practices through education, study, and participation in conferences, workshops, and groups. Identifying problems uncovered by customer feedback and testing, and correcting or referring problems to appropriate personnel for correction. Evaluating code to ensure it meets industry standards, is valid, is properly structured, and is compatible with browsers, devices, or operating systems. Determining user needs by analyzing technical requirements.

Experience Required :

3 to 5 Years

Vacancy :

2 - 4 Hires

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