Laravel Developers Job in Cedex Technologies Llp

Laravel Developers

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Job Summary

Responsibilities and Duties

Building custom web applications, dashboards and REST APIs

Design, build, and maintain efficient, reusable, and reliable PHP code

Integration of data storage solutions

Integration of user-facing elements developed by front-end developers with server side logic

Identify bottlenecks and bugs, and devise solutions to these problems

Solve complex performance problems and architectural challenges

Required Experience, Skills and Qualifications

Strong knowledge in Laravel, along with other common libraries

Good understanding of the syntax of PHP and its nuances

Solid understanding of object-oriented programming

Good understanding of server-side templating languages such as Blade

Good understanding of server-side CSS preprocessors like SASS

Familiarity with concepts of MVC, and RESTful

A knack for writing clean, readable PHP code

Ability to integrate multiple data sources and databases into one system

Understanding of fundamental design principles behind a scalable application

Able to implement automated testing platforms and unit tests

Proficient understanding of code versioning tools such as Git


Job Location: MG Road, Cochin

Experience Required: 1-4 Years

Total Vacancies: 2


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Experience Required :

1 to 4 Year

Vacancy :

2 - 4 Hires

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