Business Development, Sr. Manager Job in Chatterbox Technologies Pvt. Ltd

Business Development, Sr. Manager

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Job Summary


Responsible to grow the revenues & profitability of the business by creating and closing winning influencer marketing pitches.

Create large partnerships / relations with brands & agencies, at scale, that create more accounts & monetization of Chtrbox.

Build & execute strategy to target more brands that take up influencer marketing / people powered marketing via Chtrbox. Build tools & communication that convey the same.

Establish contact with brands, and work on building strong plans, campaigns using Chtrbox s solutions & network. Ideating and creating creative pitches for prospective clients.

Ensure that all client requests are executed within assigned service timelines. Working with teams to ensure client s campaign deliverables & objectives are creatively and efficiently met.

Work with Client Servicing teams to ensure project / campaign delivery.


Bachelor s degree from a top-tier institute.

Minimum relevant work experience of 2-3 years.

Successfully held leadership / entrepreneurial roles in digital or media agencies, marketing, or sales.

Has a strong personal/professional network of Brand Managers, Agencies (preferred)

Ideal candidate s skill sets:

Excellent leadership & communication skills (proficiency in the English language is essential)

A never-say- die attitude, entrepreneurial, go getter.

Someone great at selling, not just services but concepts. Ability to create a market.

Acquaintance with the Digital & Influencer Marketing space.

Comfortable with creating pitches on ppt / keynote. Design skill is an added bonus.

Compensation in line with experience & industry standards.

Experience Required :

2 to 3 Years

Vacancy :

2 - 4 Hires