Mern Stack Developer Job in Credaster
In-depth knowledge of NodeJS and ReactJS
Ability to bind UI elements to JavaScript object models
Experience creating RESTful services with Node.js
Proficiency in OOP and database concepts
Good knowledge of AWS is a Plus
Proven experience in front & back-end development
Strong knowledge of creating front end applications using ReactJS, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3
Knowledge of REACT tools including ReactJS, Webpack, MaterialUI, React Hooks, and Redux.
Complete understanding of ReactJS and its main fundamentals like JSX, Virtual DOM, component Lifecycle etc.
Good eye for aesthetics: layout, grid system, color theory and typography
Good hands-on experience and knowledge of MongoDB
Knowledge of modern frameworks and design patterns
Ability to create Unit and Integration tests to ensure the quality of code
Strong problem-solving skills
Good communication skills
Strong analytical thinking
Strong will and discipline