C# / Typescript Web Application Developer Job in Nokia

C# / Typescript Web Application Developer

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Job Summary Nokia is a global leader in the technologies that connect people and things. With state-of-the-art software, hardware and services for any type of network, Nokia is uniquely positioned to help communication service providers, governments, and large enterprises deliver on the promise of 5G, the Cloud and the Internet of Things.
Serving customers in over 100 countries, our research scientists and engineers continue to invent and accelerate new technologies that will increasingly transform the way people and things communicate and connect.
Nokia is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion.
At Nokia, employment decisions are made regardless of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, disability, protected veteran status or other characteristics protected by law.
Position description and career opportunities
We are looking for a talented individual to join one of our teams within the Customer Documentation department.
This is a unique opportunity to be part of the team that defines, builds and maintains new SW solutions used by a large group of users, that aim to automate and improve aspects of the Customer Documentation development activity. In this role you will have an opportunity to be part in the overall creation process, which includes a design phase, feasibility checks of a given solution, and a final, implementation and testing phase. As a key stakeholder of the process you have the potential to develop both your knowledge and practical skills in both back end and front enddevelopment areas. Our most commonly used environments are built using a wide range of technologies and methods such as: ASP.NET MVC (C#), Java, XSLT, JavaScript, PHP, Python, MySQL, MongoDB, Angular, Node.js.
You will be involved in:
  • deployment of new solutions
  • support and maintenance of currently deployed solutions
  • the process of innovating solutions that automate and optimize the current ones

Key Requirements:

  • Experience with high level programming language
  • Basic knowledge about JavaScript (JQuery) and XSLT
  • Fluent in spoken and written English (B2 Level)
  • Independent learner and open to develop new skills (especially C#, ASP.NET MVC, XML, DITA standard, DITA-OpenToolkit)
  • Creative and solution-oriented person
  • Able to work in geographically distributed team

Additional Advantages:

  • Experience with HTML, CSS and JavaScript (front end development)
  • Experience with XML and XSLT
  • Experience in JavaScript frameworks: Node.js, Angular.
  • Experience with object oriented programming, preferable C#
  • Knowledge and experience of GIT

Experience Required :


Vacancy :

2 - 4 Hires

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