Senior-level Php Developers Job in Ouctus Technology

Senior-level Php Developers

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Job Summary

Senior-Level PHP Developers

A senior-level PHP developer/leads who have strong knowledge in Core PHP & PHP Frameworks (Cake PHP, CodeIgnitor, Laravel, Symphony, etc) Javascript, Ajax and Jquery. The Individual should be passionate about technology, experienced in developing and managing cutting edge technology applications.

Strong Experience in Core PHP & PHP Frameworks (Cake PHP, CodeIgnitor, Laravel, Symphony, etc)

Job Description:

- Strong knowledge in PHP, PHP Frameworks (Laravel, Codeigniter), etc.
- Should have worked on mentioned technologies
- Project issue and risk management.
- Understanding the fully synchronous behavior of PHP.
- Any other expertise is an added advantage.
- Provide technical leadership to the team.
- Should be able to follow Best Practices of all the Languages
- Hands-on experience of PHP language and MySql Database.
- Understanding of database keys.
- A clear understanding of Object-Oriented Programming, CSS, HTML layout designing
- Strong Knowledge of Javascript, Ajax & Jquery
- Basic knowledge of Unix Command/environment
- Should be able to write the code independently
- Knowledge of framework and CMS.
- PHP MVC frameworks OOPs concepts

Responsibilities and Duties :

- Frameworks (Cake PHP, CodeIgnitor, Laravel, Symphony, etc)
- Open Sources (Magento, Joomla, WordPress, Opencart, etc)
- UI knowledge - Should have a great eye for look n feel.
- Management Skills - Can manage team, work, client, deadlines, etc
- Perform a mix of maintenance, enhancements, and new development as required
- Work in a data analyst role and with business intelligence applications
- Document features, technical specifications & infrastructure Responsibilities
- Work cross-functionally to convert business needs into technical specifications

Experience Required :

2 to 3 Years

Vacancy :

2 - 4 Hires