Senior Software Engineer - Data Analytics Job in Pubmatic
Senior Software Engineer - Data Analytics
4+ weeks ago
- New Delhi, NCT
- Not Disclosed
- Full-time
Job Summary
Job Description
- Build, design and implement our highly scalable, fault-tolerant, highly available big data platform to processterabytesof dataand provide customers with in-depth analytics.
- DevelopingBig Datapipelines using modern technology stack such asSpark, Hadoop, Kafka, HBase, Hive, Presto etc.
- Developinganalyticsapplication ground up using modern technology stack such asJava, Spring, Tomcat, Jenkins, REST APIs,JDBC, Amazon Web Services, Hibernate.
- Building data pipelinetoautomate high-volumedatacollection and processing to providereal-time data analytics.
- Customize PubMatic sreporting and analyticsplatformbased on customer srequirementsfrom customers and deliverscalable, production-ready solutions.
- Lead multiple projects todevelop features for data processing and reporting platform, collaborate with product managers, cross-functional teams, other stakeholders and ensure successful delivery of projects.
- Use various mechanisms established tofetch data fromdifferent external data sourcesand reconcilethemwith PubMatic sprocessed data.
- Collaborate with functional teams to build products todeliver end-to-end products and features and fix bugs for better performance.
- Develop robust& fault-tolerantsystemsandmonitor implications of changesondata processing pipeline and performance.
- Leveraginga broad range of PubMatic s data architecture strategies and proposing both data flows and storage solutions.
- Managing hadoop map reduce and spark jobs&solving any ongoing issues with operating the cluster.
- Working closely with cross functional teams onimproving availability and scalability oflargedata platform and functionality of PubMatic software.
- Expertisein developingImplementation of professionalsoftwareengineering best practices for the fullsoftwaredevelopment life cycle, including coding standards, performing code reviews, committing to Github, preparing documents in Confluence, continuous delivery using Jenkins, automated testing, and operations.
- Participate inAgile/Scrum processessuch as sprint planning, sprint retrospective, backlog grooming, user story management, work item prioritization, etc.
- Frequently discuss with product managers about the software features to include in PubMatic Data Analytics platform. Understand the technical aspects customer requirement from product managers.
- Keep in regular touch withqualityengineeringteam whichensurethe quality of the platforms/products and performance SLAsof java based micro services and spark based data pipeline.
- Support customer issuesover emailorJIRA (bug tracking system),provide updates, patches to customers to fix the issues.
- Discuss with technical writing teamabout the technical documents that are publishedon documentation portal.
- Perform codeand design reviews for code implemented by peers or as per the code review process.

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