Content Writer-intern Job in Scgb Solutions

Content Writer-intern

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Job Summary
  • Engage in a range of storytelling and creative techniques that help capture ideas and translate them into engaging digital experiences.

  • Develop and sustain relationships with clients and prospects by being their creative advisor.

  • Develop and track metrics and success criteria for all content-related activities.

  • Closely work with sales and marketing teams and define the content roadmap for new business.

  • Assist in the design and development of marketing campaigns and associated collateral.

  • Assist in the design and development of marketing campaigns and associated collateral.

  • strategizing SEO-focused content to increase organic customer acquisition through the website, social media, blogs, and videos and generate inbound leads

  • Juggle multiple projects while effectively managing timelines and expectations

Experience Required :

1 to 3 Year

Vacancy :

2 - 4 Hires

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