React Native Developer Job in Shiv Technolabs Pvt. Ltd

React Native Developer

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Job Summary
  • Reconciliation of client confronting components created by front-end developer.
  • Fabricate effective, testable, and reusable React Native.js Application.
  • Take care of complex execution issues and compositional difficulties.
  • Mix of information stockpiling arrangements.
  • Experience on React Native.
  • Experience with the Flux Design Pattern or one of the libraries it inspired (i.e. Redux, Fluxxor, etc.)
  • Experience with Core web fundamentals: HTML, JavaScript, and CSS like Sass or LESS.
  • Experience with JS-based build tools like Grunt, Gulp, and Bower.
  • Experience with Unit Testing with Karma or Jest.
  • Experience with JavaScript Libraries like jQuery or Backbone.js
  • Experience with Front-end (CSS) frameworks like Foundation or Bootstrap, AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML).
  • Good to have experience in AngularJs, Node.js, Mongodb.
  • Good Experience of creating responsive web application.
  • Hands on experience with UI integration with REST services.
  • Good Communication skills.
Experience Required :

2 to 3 Years

Vacancy :

2 - 4 Hires