Full-stack Developer Job in Ucreate

Full-stack Developer

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Job Summary

Who we are

We partner with ambitious startup founders and equip them with the team, tools, expertise and scale to build highly successful technology companies. ucreate is headquartered in London, UK but our teams are spread out across many cities around the world.

The fun stuff you'll actually be doing:

  • Executing full lifecycle software development in a self-sufficient manner
  • Writing well designed, testable, efficient code that surpasses industry standards
  • Debugging issues in the production environment and fixing them promptly
  • Providing technically valid and cost-effective solutions to the founder
  • Presenting and talking about your work at conferences if you're into that type of things
  • Taking responsibility and looking for viable for solutions rather than blaming others

What we need and what you have:

  • For PHP developers: 4+ years experience in PHP (and vast knowledge about PHP 7.x) 2-3 years knowledge of mainstream PHP frameworks such as Laravel, CakePHP, Code Igniter or Symfony
  • For Node.js developers: 3+ years experience in Node.js with a good understanding of vanilla javascript and single-threaded, event-driven architecture. The toolset of choice for building all-things web in Node.js (preferably express for Http servers and mocha for testing)
  • Experience with Heroku, Github and error tracking software (we use Rollbar). Or a will to learn.
  • Experience with relational databases and database design (MySQL and/or Postages)
  • Basics of web security, or a will to learn
  • Some knowledge of front end technologies (any of jQuery, react, angular)
  • General familiarity with Agile Dev Environment, CI, MVPs, Lean, Kanban
  • Knowledge of HTTP protocol and experience working with and creating web APIs
  • Fluent in English with good verbal and written communication
  • If you have some familiarity with node.js that would be great. Not a requirement though
Experience Required :


Vacancy :

2 - 4 Hires

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