Marketing Job in Dhanuka Agritech Ltd
Job Summary
Dhanuka Agritech Limited is one of India s leading agrochemical Companies and is listed by Forbes Magazine in the category of 200 Best under A Billion Companies in the Asia Pacific .
Dhanuka has been awarded Company of the Year (Agro-Chemical Category) by FICCI in 10th Biennial International Exhibition and Conference India Chem 2018 and has been bestowed with many awards and recognitions from time to time. The Company has recently been recognized as Great Place to Work for the year 2018 -19 .
Dhanuka has a Pan-India presence through its marketing offices in all major states across India. The 3 manufacturing units with 40 warehouses and network of over 14 branch offices across the Indian geography caters to 7,200 distributors & approximately 75,000 dealers.
Dhanuka is driven by a strong culture that is built on the strong foundation of its Core Values, PANCHSHEEL THE DHANUKA WAY. Customers along with the employees form the center of everything that is done at Dhanuka.
Dhanuka is a leading Indian company in the agrochemical industry aspires to Transform India through Agriculture and believes that individuals can make a lasting impact and contribute greatly by being a part of this journey. Dhanuka Agritech Limited is one of India s leading agrochemical Companies and is listed by Forbes Magazine in the category of 200 Best under A Billion Companies in the Asia Pacific .
Dhanuka has been awarded Company of the Year (Agro-Chemical Category) by FICCI in 10th Biennial International Exhibition and Conference India Chem 2018 and has been bestowed with many awards and recognitions from time to time. The Company has recently been recognized as Great Place to Work for the year 2018 -19 .
Dhanuka has a Pan-India presence through its marketing offices in all major states across India. The 3 manufacturing units with 40 warehouses and network of over 14 branch offices across the Indian geography caters to 7,200 distributors & approximately 75,000 dealers.
Dhanuka has been awarded Company of the Year (Agro-Chemical Category) by FICCI in 10th Biennial International Exhibition and Conference India Chem 2018 and has been bestowed with many awards and recognitions from time to time. The Company has recently been recognized as Great Place to Work for the year 2018 -19 .
Dhanuka has a Pan-India presence through its marketing offices in all major states across India. The 3 manufacturing units with 40 warehouses and network of over 14 branch offices across the Indian geography caters to 7,200 distributors & approximately 75,000 dealers.
Dhanuka is driven by a strong culture that is built on the strong foundation of its Core Values, PANCHSHEEL THE DHANUKA WAY. Customers along with the employees form the center of everything that is done at Dhanuka.
Dhanuka is a leading Indian company in the agrochemical industry aspires to Transform India through Agriculture and believes that individuals can make a lasting impact and contribute greatly by being a part of this journey. Dhanuka Agritech Limited is one of India s leading agrochemical Companies and is listed by Forbes Magazine in the category of 200 Best under A Billion Companies in the Asia Pacific .
Dhanuka has been awarded Company of the Year (Agro-Chemical Category) by FICCI in 10th Biennial International Exhibition and Conference India Chem 2018 and has been bestowed with many awards and recognitions from time to time. The Company has recently been recognized as Great Place to Work for the year 2018 -19 .
Dhanuka has a Pan-India presence through its marketing offices in all major states across India. The 3 manufacturing units with 40 warehouses and network of over 14 branch offices across the Indian geography caters to 7,200 distributors & approximately 75,000 dealers.

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